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“Meitei gi Esei” amasung “Meitei Leima”: Lamyanba Irabot ki Honglakkhiba Wakhanlon

“Meitei gi Esei” amasung “Meitei Leima” hairiba seireng ani asi neinaduna Lamyanba Irabot ki honglakhiba wakhanlon gi echel bu khara makhei oirabusu khangba ngamnaba warengsida hotnajabani.] Kun suba chahi cha…

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Bloody Phanek: Questions Beyond the Mangba-Sengba Binary

Bloody Phanek is Sonia Nepram’s quest for an answer to the question of mangba-sengba associated with her beloved phanek, which unravels multiple avenues with a plethora of questions about our…

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Language as a site of ‘power’ and ‘empowerment’ in the backdrop of National Education Policy

National Education Policy (NEP) promises a lot for a transformative change in the education sector. However, NEP in the current political landscape disciplining universities and learning spaces, it conveys a…

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Dog Meat Ban: Not a Case for Animal Rights but a Racist Display of Power

A few days back People For Animals, an organization started by BJP MP, Maneka Gandhi, and some mayang celebrities ran a campaign and asked their followers to sign a petition…

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On Studying Racism: Mayang Jargons and Diluting Settler Colonialism

This article deals with how we should approach the issue of racism. It has become an important matter as there have been attempts from many activists and academic circles to…

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I am an Indigenous Nupi Maanbi, I am not a Bahujan: Santa Khurai

Round Table India recently published an interview of Santa Khurai, a prominent Meitei Nupi Maanbi activist, writer and artist from Manipur as a part of the series called “Bahujan perspective…

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Why Axone is Less About Confronting Racism and More About Comforting Racists

~ Cecil Thounaojam Unlike Axone, the indigenous food, Axone (the film) is a mayang recipe specially made digestible for the mainlanders on the discourse of racism in India, with a…

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Wari Watai with Santa Khurai

Anouba Meerol presents an interview of Santa Khurai, a Meitei Nupi Maanbi from Manipur. She narrates the experiences of trans-community during the ongoing lockdown and the economic and social difficulties…

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