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July 2020

Royal Book House: Making a Space for Indigenous Literature since 2009

Royal Book House, an old shabby book store, lies behind the Governor’s residence at Imphal. Longjamcha Sanathoi Piba and Hijam ningol Longjam ongbi Phajabi Leima, a couple in their mid…

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Notes on Cheitharon Kumpapa, 1500-1550 CE

The notes on Cheitharon Kumpapa (CK, henceforth) below are on the first half of the sixteenth century. The attempt is to understand the feudal system that existed between 1500 and…

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Axone: An Internalized Idea of Colonizing Culture

There are things we need to look beyond the chinky faces to understand the problems with Axone. The problem with Axone runs deeper than and beyond the apologetic tokens; it…

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Dog Meat Ban: Not a Case for Animal Rights but a Racist Display of Power

A few days back People For Animals, an organization started by BJP MP, Maneka Gandhi, and some mayang celebrities ran a campaign and asked their followers to sign a petition…

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On Studying Racism: Mayang Jargons and Diluting Settler Colonialism

This article deals with how we should approach the issue of racism. It has become an important matter as there have been attempts from many activists and academic circles to…

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